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Philips Lumea SC2006/11 review

The Philip Lumea Precision Plus SC2006/11 IPL Hair Removal System is one of the premier home IPL devices on the market.Philips Lumea 2006/11 IPL Hair Removal SystemIf you are tired of removing unwanted hair on a daily basis, if you are sick of shaving your underarms and legs every day or looking for a more manageable and long lasting way to tackle your facial hair without spending hours in the mirror every morning then the Philips Lumea SC2006/11 could be the system for you.

Available from £299.00 – £450 it’s not cheap but if you compare it to the cost of visiting a salon for IPL or laser hair removal then it suddenly seems like a bargain, but only if it actually works! Lets find out.


Can be used on most skin tones and hair colours – Unlike Laser, IPL uses a broad spectrum of light and therefore works on a wider range on skin tones and hair colours.

Philips Lumea 2006/11

Philips Lumea 2006/11

Over 75% reduction in hair regrowth in just eight weeks – This isnt just a wild claim by Philips – Our research has found that almost all people using the Lumea experience a significant reduction in hair growth with many estimating their reduction in growth to be over 80%.

Safe for use on face and body – It has five adjustable light energy settings so it can be adusted to be gentle but effective on sensitive areas. It also comes with a 2cm facial attachment for use on the face, this makes areas such as the upper lip and chin much easier to target.

Fast and Convenient – Unlike previous IPL machines the Philips Lumea SC2006/11 has a slide and flash mode for use on areas such as the legs, this means you can glide over the area you want to treat smoothly and quickly. This means that not only are you much less likely to miss an area but you can treat one full leg in 15 minutes or just 8 minutes for a Lower Leg. There is also a Step and Flash mode which is useful when you are treating curvy or targeted areas such as the Bikini area or Face. It is also cordless and no gels or replacement lamps are required.


The Philips Lumea uses advanced Intense Pulsed Light Technology (IPL) which is a light-based therapy used in professional salons nationwide.Lumea how IPL works

Gentle pulses of light are applied directly to the hair. The melanin in the hair and hair root absorbs the light pulses. This process results in the follicle going into a resting phase. The hair sheds naturally and regrowth is inhibited. A simple and gentle treatment once every two to four weeks will prevent hair roots from becoming active again and prevent new hair from growing back.


  1. Pre-shave the treatment area to ensure the light energy travels in the most efficient way to the follicle. This is only required for the first few treatments.
  2. Consult the skin and hair type matrix and select the light intensity suitable for your skin tone and body hair colour.Suitable Hair and Skin Types - Lumea
  3. Apply gentle pulses of light to the hair. The light produces heat in the hair, which is transferred to the hair follicle. This stimulates the hair follicle to go into a resting phase.
  4. As a consequence, the hair sheds naturally and hair regrowth is inhibited.
  5. To prevent hairs from growing back, the treatment must be repeated every two weeks (or every month for legs) which will progressively reduce hair regrowth to a minimum.


Philips Lumea works effectively on (naturally) dark-blonde, brown and black hair. As with other light-based treatments, it is not suitable for (naturally) red, grey and light blonde hair or for very dark skin types.

Please consult the comparison table to determine which light intensities are most suitable for your skin and body hair colour and to check if this method is suitable for you at all (if it is not, this is indicated with an x).

For a full and complete review of the Philips Lumea models and to see how this compares to the rest of the Philips Lumea range see our Philips Lumea Review.


Unfortunately, Philips Lumea is not designed for everyone. If any of the following is true for you, then this appliance is not suitable for you to use.

  • If your natural hair colour in the treatment areas is light blonde, white, grey or red.
  • If you have naturally dark brown or very dark brown skin, you rarely or never get sunburnt and you tan very darkly. In this case you run a high risk of developing skin reactions such as strong redness, burns or discolouration when you use Philips Lumea.
  • Philips Lumea has been optimised for use by women but recent research showed that it can be used by men on most areas of the body, except the beard and scrotum.
  • There are medications and health conditions that may lead to adverse reactions when you use Philips Lumea.